Irish Identities w/ Guest Dr. Aileen Dillane

Episode Summary

EP 24 is out and our hosts have a conversation with our guest, Dr. Aileen Dillane! Dr. Dillane share's her experience as a musician and ethnomusicologist, elaborating on her research with Irish diaspora focusing on interests in ethnicity, identity, nationalism and cosmopolitanism in the traditional and popular musics of Ireland, UK, and North America. VOICES FROM THE VERNACULAR MUSIC CENTER is a podcast from at Texas Tech University. Join Roger and Chris as they range across the centuries and around the worlds of oral-tradition music and dance, with guests along the way! We would like to thank the TTU Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation for funding Series 1 and the J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts for funding Series 2. Please Like | Follow/Subscribe | Download | Share | Leave a Review!

Episode Notes

Intro - 0:00

Part I, Meet Dr. Aileen Dillane  - 00:59

Part II, Programming Festivals - 17:35

Part III, Inclusivity in Festivals Since the Lockdown - 26:22

Part IV, Limerick Soundscapes Project - 34:28

Part V, Vernacularity of the Soundscapes Project - 48:03

Outro - 53:55

Dr. Aileen Dillane is an ethnomusicologist, Global Irish musics specialist, and Popular Music scholar with research interests in ethnicity, identity, nationalism and cosmopolitanism in the traditional and popular musics of Ireland, UK, North America, and Australia; Music Festivals and Cultural Diversity; Music and Migration; Urban Soundscapes and Critical Citizenship; Protest music. PhD in Ethnomusicology, University of Chicago. (Fulbright Scholar and Century Fellow). PI on FestiVersities, HERA-funded research project on European Music Festivals (2019-2021). Co-Founder/Co-Director of LimerickSoundscapes; Popular Music & Popular Culture @UL; Power, Discourse and Society @UL. Member of the Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies. Course Director, MA Irish Music Studies. Follow her on  Twitter.

For more information, please see his University of Limerick Bio.


Full Playlist for EP 24

VVMC Book Club

VVMC: Friends & Voices, a Collaborative Playlist

Voices from the Vernacular Music Center